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Maya's Daydreams

what are my daydreams - new moon wishes

This website is called maya's daydreams, but what are my daydreams? there are so many things! in honor of the new moon, let's make some wishes. At least the ones I feel comfortable sharing online!

I would love to finish my first novel. My great monster romance...

I want to start a youtube channel. I have actually been recording little faceless day in the life footage on my phone for a few weeks now. all i need to do is collect enough footage... and then write a script.

I want to live more minimally and frugally. I want it to be second nature to have less and live with less.

I want to get as close to a zero waste lifestyle as I possibly can

I want to get out of student loan debt

I want to run a marathon

I want to run in the Boston Marathon

I want to retire some day

I want a dog

I want to get a month ahead on my family's living expenses

I want a side hustle that I enjoy

I want to lose weight... just a little bit of weight

I want to learn to love cooking

I want to FINALLY pass the FE exam

I want to sew a garment that I can wear on a daily basis

I want to knit a sweater

I want to knit a pair of socks

I want a promotion

I want to travel somewhere every year

I want to hike the Appalachian Trail

All of May 2024, I will be participating in weblog posting month created by Apple Annie

For a list of other participants, go here

For a list of my topic ideas and some rules I wrote for myself, go here

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