johnny.decimal update
My first week experimenting with the johnny.decimal system and following the steps in the workbook has been really interesting! I have been trying my best to refrain from categorizing my stickies and just let them all sit there, but halfway into my tuesday, i decided to just make an inbox section, a work section, and a not work section. anything that pops into my head, things i need to do, places i want to be able to find things, where i usually keep stuff, random thoughts. so far there are three different sticky notes about minotaurs...
All of May 2024, I will be participating in weblog posting month created by Apple Annie
For a list of other participants, go here
For a list of my topic ideas and blog/weblogpomo2024/some rules I wrote for myself, go here
Post 14/31
- Previous: crochet project - neon coasters
- Next: having a body is weird!