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Maya's Daydreams

employing the johnny.decimal system into my notion life OS

I know that I have been going on and on about how I have been trying to curb my impulse spending and following a stricter budget, and just generally learning to be more responsible with my money. Well, in a moment of weakness this week, I purchased Johnny.Decimal's workbook. After a couple of days of beating myself up about it, and even bringing it up in therapy, and skimming through it a few times. I finally figured out where I can implement this and have it help me right away: My Notion. The thought of organizing my personal computer, work computer, or work email felt way too intimidating, but most of the important things from all three of these digital spaces end up as a note, or page, project, or task in my Notion.

My Notion is a labrynth of databases that reference each other, or show up again and again in different views. Over the years, it has started to go so deep, that I struggle to remember where each database is originally located. So this is the project: use the Johnny.Decimal System to organize my databases and pages. I have a feeling that this project will get messy, so I might as well document it!

What is Notion #

Adds creating a Notion information page to my digital garden to my to-do list...

What I Use Notion For #

Everything. Here's a little before pic:

The Systems that I have Tried #

PARA August Bradley's System A few others I found on YouTube (I'll come back and add links later)

Where Johnny Decimal fits in #

We shall see!

What I did so far (this is going to take a while) #

I defined my scope and made a little "sticky note" page in my notion. I will use this for the next week

Conclusion #

I'll be back

All of May 2024, I will be participating in weblog posting month created by Apple Annie

For a list of other participants, go here

For a list of my topic ideas and blog/weblogpomo2024/some rules I wrote for myself, go here

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